I totally understood your point. Every social group has a group of people who game the system and try to take advantage of other people. That's part of nature and not much we can do about it as human being. At the end of the day, as long as religion can offer the framework for people to peacefully co-exist while seeking their very own happiness, it serves its purpose well.. :)
just like any other organization, a portion of the members may have their own agenda and intention. That's okay. As long as we hold our integrity tight, we really don't need to concern about what other people are doing.
對於「宗教信仰係導人向善」我有啲保留~ 因為從人類歷史當中, 因宗教信仰而死既人數, 絶對比兩次大戰所死既人數更多~ 在小弟睇法, 宗教利用美好既覺,例如「善」作為手段去控制人羣, 從中得到利益。或者直接啲講, 宗教只係一門生意, 賣既係一個美好既夢, 只要一日仲有夢、仲有幻想, 咁就每日都有人將自己時間、金錢、生命等, 去换取如夢似幻既慰藉!
ReplyDeleteI totally understood your point. Every social group has a group of people who game the system and try to take advantage of other people. That's part of nature and not much we can do about it as human being. At the end of the day, as long as religion can offer the framework for people to peacefully co-exist while seeking their very own happiness, it serves its purpose well.. :)
ReplyDeletejust like any other organization, a portion of the members may have their own agenda and intention. That's okay. As long as we hold our integrity tight, we really don't need to concern about what other people are doing.