Sunday, May 8, 2016


上星期五囡囡從學校回家, 很是煩惱的樣子...

我問: “What’s up Buddy?”
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囡囡: “My math teacher gave me a problem, I don’t get it..”

我說: “uhh, 說來看看, let’s see if we can solve it together..”

囡囡: “Okay, there are three students, they ordered a big pepperoni pizza for 15 dollars and asked for delivery to their dorm.”

囡囡: “Later, the restaurant staff found out there was a store promotion going on and the pizza should only cost 10 dollars. So the staff asked the pizza delivery boy to return 5 dollars to the students upon delivery.”

我說: “wow, that’s awesome!”

囡囡: “no, it’s not, could you please listen through what I have to say? papa!”

我說: “Okay Okay, I am sorry for the interruption honey..”

囡囡: “The pizza boy figured out 5 dollars can not be easily divisible by three students. So he secretly pocketed 2 dollars and only returned 1 dollar to each of the three students.”

囡囡: “So, each student paid 5 dollars to the restaurant staff and got a dollar back from the pizza delivery boy. So each student only paid 4 dollars, totalling 12 dollars for all three students. The delivery boy pocketed 2 dollars, so the grand total is now 14 dollars.”

囡囡: “My math teacher asked me where the missing dollar is to make up the original 15 dollars the three students paid. I don’t get it papa!!”

哈哈, 親愛的 100happysouls 讀者們, 幫囡囡找到這消失的錢錢沒有

如果你已知道這消失的一塊錢去了那, 恭喜你!你大概擁有不錯的獨立思考能力, 請 skip 以下這一小段, 直接跳往文章 recap 的部份去。

如你還未找到這消失的錢錢, 再給你多十秒的時間去仔細想想, okay?

10, 9, 8, 7…. 0

還沒有找到答案? 那就給你一點提示吧!

請小心的重複閱讀囡囡憶述老師的每一句話, 同時, 請質疑句子與句子之間的可信性, 當你靜下來獨立思考整道問題後, bingo! 答案自然浮現出來! **

讓我們 recap 一下!

從每天早上起牀的那一刻, 請細心留意我們週邊的每一樣東西, 街上看到的海報, 傳媒的報道, 手機看到的每一個 video 和 message, 什至乎從鄰居陳師奶那裏聽到的八卦新聞, 都有一定程度的引導性, 也極可能不是事實的全部。

即使你正在閱讀的這一編文章, 每一句也要問問自己, 是真的嗎? 為何筆者有這樣的想法呢?

作為一個精明的創富者, 我們要弄清楚生活上每一個訊息背後的客觀事實, 再加上自己個人獨有的批判性思維, 從而作出分析和推斷, 這樣, 我們就不會人云亦云, 並可培養出致富必要的動察力和市場觸覺, 去捕足和創造下一個市場機遇, 造就創富人生!

**如你像囡囡一樣, 還在尋找這消失的錢錢, please don’t get frustrated, 發個電郵給筆者, 小弟會連同其他迷途的朋友一同作出回复..

1 comment:

  1. 我都被騙了, 要寫晒transaction出黎先明 XD
